Frequently Asked Questions

when should I order my
semi-custom invitations?

This answer depends on your selected printing method.

Digital Printing, allow 4-6 weeks from order date to delivery to you.

Letterpress and Foil Printing, allow 8-10 weeks from order date to delivery date to you. 

what does the process look like after ordering?

Once you've placed your order, you'll receive a digital proof of your order for final approval within 7 business days. Once approved, your order goes to print!

Where can I find more information on pricing?

All information about pricing is available on our website by shopping through our available suites. You'll find pricing based on quantity, print method, and added embellishments.

When should I order my save the Dates?

How many Invitation Suites do I need?

I would like custom artwork, can i add that?

Save the Dates are usually mailed 6-8 months prior to your wedding date. If you're having a destination wedding, sending them 10-12 months in advance is recommended.

For Digital Printing, allow 4-6 weeks from order date to delivery to you.

For Letterpress and Foil Printing, allow 8-10 weeks from order date to delivery date to you.

When considering the number of invitation suites or save-the-dates you need, it's helpful to consider number of households, rather than people. Typically, this work out to be about half of your total guest list

If you'd like to include custom artwork like a venue illustration, watercolor map, pet illustration etc. please reach out about a custom wedding invitation suite.